next, we talk about hair. my hair = epic fail. it's not short, it's not long, and tying it up makes me look like a nigger. i now only have to adopt desmond's accent, and there you have it, an albino nigger. some wierd teacher said i dyed hair...... ken jun and i are in he same predicament, only that i plucked out my hair and showed her the hair colour was even and, therefore, natural. from this source i can conclude some teachers refuse to believe you when you are telling the truth, so therefore, it is better for you and them to tell a lie first o you don't disapoint them. really, i'm fucking pissed.
oh yes. we move on to the next predicament of mine. larry lee may have francis and francis may have larry, but that leaves all of us redundent. who do we have? we have couples, lovebirds, flirts, nerds, jocks, musicians, cleaners, roadsweepers, karang gunis, losers etc, but then again, do we have unity, as what mr rahim said? frankly, and in my sole opinion, we never had. ppl, just take a friggin step back and examine things, we're more or less made up of cliques. for those like me who rather be free roaming particles with no responsibilities or duties to the cliques, we're the lesser race majority, and that puts us into the free-roamers group, even if we are not a clique. sure, you ppl may not like this, but hey, i'm just stating the facts from what i see.... so unity?? my eye.... we're more like the forced united cliques.
spam if you will ppl, spam if you will, but fact is that i've already gotten such crap out of my system, so spam? sure. just tag with your big name if you're not a coward.