went for wushu bbq yesterday. shiok man, i tell you. damn fun. met at hougang interchange.... walked to angsian's house, took a bus to dunno which stop, then took bus 55 to east coast. took damn bloddy long.... made some crappy jokes in the bus.... dropped off some point quite far from east coast. walked there via underpass. saw an abandoned ntuc trolley so took that and put the stuff inside. didi some "drifting" with the trolley but nearly fell over, so deceided not to. walked to the underpass and through it to the part of east coast where they offer wake-boarding. walked to pit 54E. not exactly walk there. had to call angsian to find out where they were, so she ran to the foodcourt to bring us there. dropped the stuff there and went to the beach to soak my feet. threw tons of stones and a few rocks into the sea with douglas, louis[not sure how to spell it] and tiancong. was quite fun. went back up to the shelter to slack. ended up playing pass-the-parcel. didi not kana penalty. heng ah..... so after a while, went back to the sea again, build sand-condo and play water bombs that was the most fun. threw plastic bags as the bomb. i used the ice-lemon tea bottle as my faithful water-gun. lols. lend to tiancong to fire at douglas and louis. that was anything but boring. dipped into the sea with angsian, derek, douglas, tiancong and a few times louis. louis was like, "not entering the water", so douglas and tiancong kinda threw him in? i dunno. but was fun. supposed to go back up on land but had to find someone's missing shoes. got buried in sand with douglas. i was buried up to around my collar while douglas was buried up to his hips. hymph. jealous. tiancong ran up and down like a mad man to pour water on us. junchao took the photos. unburied myself and went up to shower. derek started the fire while we showered so when we came back ther was already a small fire. shiok. did some fanning and feeding the fire. rustic. all the memories came flooding back. shook them off as douglas tried to dry his pants on the grill. tiancong said something that i didn't pay attention to about louis calling himself tua pek gong [sorry!] so kept on fanning until derek came back. barbequeing started. something funny happened. one of the seniors roasted her share of squid and when she asked us if "anyone saw the sotong" douglas replied in chinese "neh, sotong so big you still cannot see". referring to me. fine..... i laughed along. barbequed until1030 or 11. parents came and picked me up. miss that place. will go back to that exact same pit sometime soon. wish i could replay yesterday over and over, make it last forever for all the fun we had, all the things we did and played, but we can never do that. still, there's photos courtesy of junchao. laugh and enjoy but don't criticise.

realised that damn long never post..... lols.... went for dan's chalet on sat. havoc xia. like crazy like that. then, as always, truth or dare. wtf. ask me same thing. cannot help it. they only ask "rin, dare." so was like, oh, ok. this time they ask me THAT about joshua to spite dan..... he was giving me the puppy eyes..... pretend never see^^ but never lah, in the end. stupid dan damn heng..... got drunk. 5 cans of beer, 6 cups of wine etc shared between bewil. headache, but still managed to pull through lah..... a bit gong when i slept. woke up at around 12 on sunday. handphone had around 50 or 60 miss calls and 80+ sms. all from yours truly. like, fuck!!!! think i hotline arh..... dunno how many people they dared to do that..... stupid and crazy. never die before...... ^^ no lah. not so bad....
have a wushu bbq on thursday..... not sure if i wanna pon 'cause sat have fearless bbq..... ><><
enough of my random crap. will post tomorrow
went string chalet. to tell a lie it was good. to say frankly, it was ok. to put it bluntly, it was a total disaster. yep. no games [excluding the tai di we played], a very polluted beach, lack of food supplies, muddy grounds and etc. only thing i enjoyed was the tai di on the breakwater. very calming. better than doing yoga. relaxing..... ah....... but tai di play because no more games and that "banlak" not many ppl there know how to play [talkin' bout the ppl we asked to play]. then, some ppl try to be funny. come up with asshole tai di. first round deceides who is the winner. first person to complete is the king. second is queen. third is commoner. fourth is roadsweeper or something like that. last but not least, the asshole. second round that time, asshole give king 2 of the best cards. king give asshole 2 of the lousiest cards. roadsweeper give queen 1 of the good cards. queen give roadsweeper 1 of the lousiest cards. commoner deals the cards. they play until damn noisy. from pit all the way to breakwater, can hear perfectly what they shouting. "wah!!! you......." "no!!!! you cards........" sian. dunno what to say
twisted my right foot today during wushu...... jumped and landed wrongly. like crap. just now swim halfway leg pain so was struggling in the water. hoped no one noticed since was relay....^^ hehehe.....
got diagnosed by a lot of ppl for funny stuff...... someone said ovesick, someone said heartbroken, someone said i'm just missing him. asked someone if i should patch. got no where near. feddup. kro nags liked an old woman. ^^ random....... lawls.
either way, up down left or right, i just want you to know that i miss you and am sorry for the things i've done
been getting an empty feeling inside me lately. like i forgot something important..... guess i'm not used to being so damn relaxed.....
went cello today..... never practise and was like, erm........ then ah!!!!!! when they were playing.... had to play.... made a mess of the piece, yes i know....... ppl play here i play there ppl play there i play here..... shit...... arsey cello..... then mr lim so funny.... cracked so many jokes.... he said dunno what karang guni walk pass.... actually someone from CO's dizi [if i'm not wrong with the name of the instrument] blowing mary had a little lamb. but really like karang guni leh :] hehehe..... oh ya. wore odd coloured socks there. luckily both look black or else kana tekan until dunno watt alr.....
15 have outing at pasir ris park.... like the 2nd time this month alr??? was like "huh???" then "woots!!!" inside the room..... 18 have to go to sentosa for dunno what thing my father's office organised..... gonna see a lot of ppl that i dunno and get bored to death again...... not looking forward to this........... praying hard....
went out with shimin, nat, shihui, enjo, karyn and her boyfriend today.... go pasir ris park blade and cycle...... damn shiok especially the playground part^^.....love the slides.... so damn fun.... really. not "CHILDISH" like someone that behaves like a 5 year old.....
wish can celebrate like that on my birthday.... jealous.... my birthday sure no one go..... T.T remember ppl. 31/12.... at least leave me a tag as a b'dae present..... >< not like i asked a diamond ring from each one of your, so please???? lols... crapping and randoming.... damn tired.... going to fall asleep without kro to spice the day up.... or else don't want to post wan....
tomorrow have wushu.... HATE IT!!! DON'T WANT TO GO!!!! but cannot find reason to ponteng..... actually have, but too minor.... ppl who remembered eoy "mountain biking"?? my toenail kinda got
a little seperated from the meat, so its darn painful, but no doctor's cert, so fat hope on pon-ting..... say bye bye...
sent kro off to thailand today.... ate lunch at terminal 3 after that..... food there is EX!!!! i dunno what the government is thinking. ban mian is around $1+ more than normal..... like, arh-ing there.... cannot believe my eyes....
mum's birthday also.... after lunch went to jade's house to wait until mum teach her and her brother finish.... lucky jade went first or else very little time left to play wii.... tried teaching guitar to her.... still can, not as bad as illa..... ^^ say bad about you illa.... soreee!!! but really, wii very fun to play. move hand here move hand there, like para-para exept for hand and leg movements are different....
play until shiok. have to piah on my sleep... tomorrow got outing with shimin&shihui.... go pasir ris rent bicycle slowly paddle....>< don't chiong.... yao man man lai. relax and take things in my stride.... ahh.....